Colorado Pokemon Go Map

This Pokemon Go map is for Denver and other cities in Colorado.
Click on a marker for more info. The icon in the top-left will show/hide the layers panel.
When viewing the larger map on a desktop, there is an option to search for a location and move the map to that location.

Click here to view a larger map.

This is a map for Colorado with Pokestops, Gyms, and locations where Pokemon frequently spawn. Since the Pokemon that spawn at nests have been changing frequently, it is difficult to keep this list up to date. Because of this, I am making this map public so that everyone can work on updating this map at any time.

Important Notes about Spawn Locations:
“Nests” are locations where multiple of a specific Pokemon spawn frequently and consistently.
“Recurring Spawn Points” (RSPs) are locations where the Pokemon spawns consistently but not as frequently and usually only one at a time.

If a nest/spawn is updated, please upload an icon of that Pokemon as the marker.
Icons can be downloaded here:

If it’s not updated, please make sure the marker icon is not a Pokemon and is a generic marker.

This Pokemon Go map is for all cities in Colorado including Denver, Longmont, Boulder, Lafayette, Brighton, Thornton, Westminster, Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Aurora, Englewood, Golden, Littleton, Centennial, Castle Rock, Larkspur, Parker, Highlands Ranch, and more.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, contact me here:
Links:  Reddit Post  Larger Map